Straight after I reached home n bathe, I started maplin. Alot of my classmates have been questioning that, is Maple that fun and y I still haven gotten sianz with it. Well, now I gonna prove to u that Maple is a game u can neva stop bein addicted to it!
Okie, today is client patch. As I had mentioned b4, the opening of christmas town : (drumroll) HAPPYVILLE. I went in with my fellow guild member n we spents like hrs in it. Hahahahahah......
This how a tree looks like b4 any deco is put on. Btw, there are altogether 15 trees with different type of layout. This is one tree where me n tech went and nth was put on...wasted.
Tada! Our final tree. Me n tech standing beside out guild name : IMPERIALS. Lolx. Dunno how long we take to complete this. Yet, I gotta comment, Tech was really great in deco.
Me n Tech sharin a kiss under the starry nite. Look closer. Did u see Santa n his reindeers?? romantic...
We kissed again. Good gracious, my cheeks are flushin !!!! Mayday mayday...
Aint't I an ANGEL?! With shining stars above me. Hallelujah.
Some intruder who happens to throw their King-sized star n me tryin to get a hand on it. (Ooopss...)
A kiss with the snowman. Ouch! I m frostbitten!
My early X'mas prayer. Wishin all Maplers n whoever readin this a Happy, Merrier, 'Blesscious' X'mas. =p
P.s. Look at wad Tech says The orginal Tech's deco. I juz simply love it.
Dunno y, Me, Tech n the intruder juz suddenly gotten very LAME. We cried n look Left
And then, we looked Right. ZZZZZzzzzz...........
Too long liao. Tmr den I continue bloggin of Maple. Tell ya, if my classmates read dis, some may even fainz n starts foaming. Wakakakkaka.
One should first established oneself in what is proper, then only should one instruct others. Thus the wise old man will not br reproacged. -The Self 158-
inspired by jacob!? 0_0
where got. i nvr play maple already. wahah
Inspired by Jacob as in the bloggin aspect. I tink Jacob interpretted it the wrong way.
hahahah jacob doesnt read properly. always like that.
ohhh. blogging ah. hahah. i am flattered! LOL
see la xiangjiun u dun have tagboard we all come here leave msg...
yalor. go put a tagboard easier to talk. wahaha
eh how come u cyber kiss oso can blush one...
heh. kinky~ wahahaha
lol we reply faster than xiangjiun..
yeah man. she really need a tagboard. shaolin help her make la. haha.
walao eh what shaolin.. !?! i asked her to find u to help her do tagboard. i too lazy to explain. lol. so yea, u got her started on blogging, better finish up what u started!
!!! i start her blogging so now your turn to start her tagboard? haha.
ZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZz -retired-
she's got more comments on this post than i ever have.
LOL yea but this not counted mah, she got no t a g b o a r d.
wei xiangjiun what's aucifer?
Srry lar ppl. Really noob at bloggin. I juz noe how to type n upload post nia. Who say cyber kiss cannot blush?? ( ot blushin actually..juz rollin on the floor clutchin my stomach)
eh u havent answer me question. whas aucifer. eh u what religion? buddhist right?? or christian? how come u mention Satan? hoho...u join cult huh..
wow i have SO many questions!
hahaha. XJ CULT LEADER!! hor hor hor.
eh join cult still can be vegetarian ah. i tot satan's cult will drink blood..lidat where got vegetarian.
( ot blushin actually..juz rollin on the floor clutchin my stomach)
i forgot to mention, xj, those words in bold, can be summed up by ROFL.
and u nv blush, i shldnt be surprised. u nv blush when u acted as a lesbian oso. i think we shld give u Star awards. u act better than half the mediacrop artistes anyway.
heh. and someone has to act like she got AIDS. u better call xj shifu now.
so teresa = xiang juin's cult first member? u can drink carrot juice instead
ah im gonna worm my way outta this. any ideas how?
and i dun wanna join cult tt worship satan. i want to start a cult that worships me. who wanna join? now recruiting members! we can have carrot juice all day. lol eh tt carrot juice all artificial one. we'll have potato-vegetable chowder instead. 105calories per serving!
eh i doubt there's anyone else 'here' other than us.
a more interesting dish?! im sure someone in africa wld be thrilled by potato-veg chowder! anyway potato-veg chowder is very interesting already. there's potatoes, tomatoes, leek, onions, french beans, celery and carrots! what more cld u ask for?
heh. doesnt seem like anyone wants to join ah? make something more interesting and sinful than your potato veggie chowder and i'd consider! wahaha.
eh y u delete ur comment. my comment suddenly seems so out of place.
i suppose by interesting u mean dump a load of animal fat in?
maybe? lol. i decided to add the word sinful after i posted. haha.
haha its only one word! din think u were a perfectionist.
ee u want sinful can go buy a bucket of KFC.. or sth from swensens or haagen dasz or maybe carl's jr, i heard their burgers are huge!
the word sinful was very important in that post mah. haha.
wah got eat a bucet of chicken can be initiated into cult one? hahha. do u watch south park? the one where cartman eats a whole bucket of chicken skin? fucking funny. hahha
hahaha one bucket like too easy. maybe 2? no i dun watch southpark. where u all watch one?
now this post has more comments than i have in all my posts combined. heh
haha u getting jealous ah. but u have tagboard mah, so ppl won't usually use the commenting thing right
eh is xj's sidebar at the bottom
nope the sidebar's on top. haha. lat time no tagboard oso nobody tag >.< wahhaa
lol oh yea thats true. hmmmmm
eh den how come i see the sidebar is at bottom.
i tot i saw xj online.. she din even come see her blog and 35 freakin comments??
hahaha. yala. she come on must be straight away chiong maple go happyville countdown. LOL
I dunno wad to say..but u guys...haha...really can talk a lot har! Hmm....i presume some scandal goin on in the near future.
Btw, mine is guild not cult! Aucifer comes from Lucifer. I juz luv the name tt's all! Oso, when got we drink vlood in the pictures???
I am blurrrr.....
what picture u toking about. we oso nv say anything abt pic?!
ah actually we dun speak tt much right. those 30+ comments are spread over days!
This is very interesting site... »
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