I tried to recruit guild members n this lvl 53 spearman was my 'target'. He said he cannot give me an answer then, so he requested buddy and thus can give me an answer when the time comes.
The next day, he somehow started pesterin me abt my guild info. I was like....pls..u wanna join juz join...not nid to ask so so many qns. Then...the trouble came...he started callin me dear and whisper me like siao. Hello! I am concentrating chiong-in n he kept msgin me. Also, he kept trackin me. So, I decided not to let him join. (Btw, he oso pester my guild).
For the next 2 hrs, he continue callin me dear n askin me y I dun let him join the guild. Frankly, he was really naive...as in..he speaks like a primary skl kid. Yet, he said he was 20yrs old. Of coz, I tried not to hurt him by sayin mean words...but...he really made me STEAM!
So, I seeked help. One of my buddy pretended to be my bf....and...(pls view pics below)

Sianz..something wrong with the uploading. Nvm, whoeva wanna watching the continuation, plz msg me n I shall sent u the files. =p
Easy is life for the shameless one who is as impudent as a crow, is backbiting and forward, arrogant and corrupt. -IMPURIT 242-
yeah and out of the 38 comments only 3 belonged to you. hahaha. steam as in? HAHAHAHA. nvm. ignore me.
lol xj has interesting choice of words
i agree. hahaha. steam.. lol. kinky~ wahahah.
BLur...steam meaning....I am ..erhhmmm....STEAMING!!
Yeeaahh.....no lar...I am quite...annoyed lar.
Btw, really hor...any scandal goin on? I would like to be the 1st to know!! (Yippee..)
waliewwwwwwwwww. come in first thing ask for scandal already? lolol.
aiyah xj ya lar 'steam' means hot water vapour.
but i reckon u shldnt use that exact word to describe your feelings. lol
omg are those clouds in mapleland cumulus clouds??do they have other types of clouds? and who's gonna ask u to send the pics? just type the dialogue out la, so troublesome!
walao eh im bored shitless with no one to talk to.........................................................................................................................................
so poor thing ah nobody to talk to? steam got other meaning also leh. cannot anyhow use one this type of words. hahahha. dun teach her bad thing la. heh heh heh.
give her more 'general knowledge'. where got bad?
haha so what are u hinting about her? hahha. she probably son't check her comments until the next time she decides to update. so we can say all we want and delete it before she decidees to update the next time.
hahaha imagine she comes here and sees a bunch of This post has been removed by the author.
and im not hinting anything! ah HA! u must be thinking of something abt her that i never hinted about!
geddit? lol
hahah. that a very obvious hint mah. can bluff her cannot bluff me one. wahahahaha.
i wanted to edit a screenshot to show all 'this post has been removed blah blah blah' then i realised they show the time there.
i'm bored but not bored enough.
hahahaha yes u must be very bored
u think shre reads thru all the comments we leave?
i doubt so. we should find out. then one day we can post alot of meaningless crap and hopefully she reads thru it. den we might be able to get her off mapling for.. er.. 10minutes? LOL
Frankly, I dunno wad u guys are talkin abt. Seriously, wad hinting?..I dun get any hint...sob sob.
Btw, I oso lazy to type the comments out lar. Hmm..Jacob haven answer my qns yet...any scandals goin on har???
Haha, I seen these posts b4 it gotten deleted...but I neva get anything clear. Sadded. =s
hahahahahah now la, since ure so bored.
whats to fun about maple anyway?
Wa lao...not happy I play Maple ar?
I consider aboves all meaningless to me sia..coz I cant get anything..Pls...will sum1 be sweet enuff to xplain all over again???
Waaa! U guys campin at my blog??? I juz updated n there u r postin yet another comment. Shiok!
Hmm...talkin abt Maple..sure it is fun! U getta talk to ppl of different ages...crack some lame jokes...play around with expression...too much to say.
i recommend u to juz dl it n start playin. COnfirm SHIOK wan!
lalala fun meh
how to explain? its all written there!
IRC oso can?
Zzzz....wad talkin u???
U muz remember tt my english is not as pro as u n Jacob. So, pls pardon a noob n tr to use simple english...lolx
hahah. never say not happy u play maple mah. but i think most maplers below lvl 40 are in the 10-14 age group. not worth talking to them. kids. and most of them above lvl40 are too cocky. hahahah. i got play i know okay. wahahah.
yeah its all written there. basically, u shldnt use the word steam. esp in a situation like that. hahahah.
Wad abt me?? I lvl 65 leh...cocky meh?
Btw...y dun use steamin...is it because of its...different meaning???
hahahah if it didnt have a different we wouldnt even have commented!
i say most people mah. i never aim at anyone. hahaha. yeah. i warn u. the second meaning ah. dun anyhow ask people. make sure you know the person very well.
U guys sure have the same kind of thoughts. Seriuosly, not scandal goin on???
Repeat, I wanna be the first to know!!!!!!!
I tink I got it. Maybe....abt steamin...or m I tink 'curled'
tio! curled! haha. how u so fast reply one? haha
eh what curl
Coz..me now campin in front of the com n waitin for u guys to reply!!!
No lar...lookin thru sites for a suitable handphone.
Curl as in...u noe...u guys said abt a different meaning abt STEAM..so I was tinkin...m i tinkin yellow or???
well anyone cldve guess that!
curl as in xiang wai? correct? think crooked? ahhaah. what phone u using now?
eh msia sell phone so ex
Yes yes!! Tink crooked.
David u said any1 can tink abt it meh? I read thru all these comments den I get it leh. Not fair sia. i not u guys...
u know what? xj u really need a tag board. next time go school call teresa put for u la. haha
you know at the speed we reply, its as good as talking on msn. lolol
M'sia sell phones where got ex? we juz sell u the phone not the plan mah. if u include the plan..the phone veri veri ex leh
Me ar...buyin another phone for sg line.
P.s wad dun u guys talk in Msn???
aiyah lazy means lazy la..why jacob dun do it?
or else xj go cbox website create account, follow instructions and put with ur template codes.
see thats all u need to do
U guys type fast but not me...I still postin a comment den...new comments comin out
Now i reply very very fast rite?
dun have scandal la. hahaha. singapore sure cheaper la. what phone u buying?
hahahah y dun we talk in msn...
It is publicly know tt XJ = sotong gurl. So..I prefer ppl guidin or doin it for me. If I do..I m sure this blog will 'vanish in thin air'
Me buyin k700i...$98 nia..Cheap cheap rite?
Now dunno wad plan. of coz the cheapest the best. Any suggestion?
nah thats impossible
haha. this is your 45th comment on this post.
talk here better la. every 20seconds count. with every comment, we're 20seconds further from talking about cumulus clouds. whatever they are.
oh man!
Wad impossible?
Wanna ask, if I buy prepaird card rite...2 yr plan not included hor?
its impossible for ur blog to disappear!
Wad cumulus cloud..n wad does cumlus means?
Pls...dun make me sotong. I hate it sia..=p
cumulus is type of cloud la. the one white white one look like cauliflower. lol
in singapore. i know m1 gives special phone prices if u buy m cards. but for certain phones only. dunno still have anot
u see. every 1 post i make u all put 1 more each. as good as msn. really. hahah. god knows what cumulus clouds are. lol
so why arent we switching to msn?
Lolx. put on the new post bah. 58 sounds scary n it is goin to be 59.
Haha..see I so evil. I deleted ur post. No vulgar lar...FAINTZ
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